1CASH de-risked operations, distribution and clear path to revenue generation:

Creates a more convenient and safer-than-cash PHYGITAL cash form

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile

Operating System ran from 2012 – 2019. Upgraded AI-assisted in 2024

OFFline – stand-alone – payments outside of banks/FIs systems

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down a street next to tall buildings
a man riding a skateboard down a street next to tall buildings
  • Device Agnostic - 18+ billion voice/sms telephones (out-of-the-box)

  • User Agnostic – 8+ billion humans with voice

“Pay-it-forward” like cash (110 times/year?) + collect a fee every time

*IOP is crucial to digital payments but next to impossible to achieve in scale. Bill Gates, AliPay & Tencent 2020. User IOP banked/unbanked, rich/poor, tech-savvy/non-techie, IOs/Android

A2A (ANYone-to-ANYOne) VoicePAY

ID Theft-free Payment Alternative for eCommerce

Global Online Shopping Carts Checkouts Market (2026)

Pay-It-Forward revenue model